Online Activities

To keep you busy during this lockout period

Fit India Exercises for students from CISCE.

Collage Making (Classes 5 to 10)

Collage is a creative technique of art. In this technique, newspaper clippings, ribbons, paint, bits of coloured or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other objects are glued to a piece of paper to form a unique artwork.

Some examples to get you started:

Create a collage with the available materials. Take a picture of the completed work and send it to:

Hindi Poster Making (Classes 3 to 5)


Take a picture of the completed work and send it to:

Found Poetry (Classes 5 to 10)

This is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and re framing them by making changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning to the original source.

Some examples to get you started:

Create your very own 'found poem'. Take a picture of the completed work and send it to:

English Project (Classes 3 to 8)

  • Take a few photographs of activities (a game, a dish prepared by you, what you do on a particular day, interesting events in the past year, a celebration, a vacation…). Arrange the photographs in sequence and label them.  Express your ideas in descriptive paragraphs.

·         Book Review

Read a book or an excerpt from a book.  Write a short review of what you have read.  Express your views about it.  Talk about the moral values of the characters or change the ending or events so the plot becomes more entertaining with these changes.

  • A Parody

Think about a story you have read, one that interests, fascinates or inspires you most.  Write creatively about it.  Add humour to the piece.  Edit or change one character or scene or you may give a humorous outlook to the whole plot.  Try to be imaginative and critical.

  • Maintain a daily diary.
  • Play Word Games or Scrabble.